Tuesday, August 25, 2009

already gone....i am so addicted...

Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye

Even with our fists held high
It never would've worked out right
We were never meant for do or die

I didn't want us to burn out
I didn't come here to hold you, now I can't stop

I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone

Looking at you makes it harder
But I know that you'll find another
That doesn't always make you want to cry

Started with a perfect kiss then we could feel the poison set in
Perfect couldn't keep this love alive
You know that I love you so, I love you enough to let you go

I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone

I'm already gone, already gone
You can't make it feel right when you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on so I'm already gone

Already gone, already gone, already gone
Already gone, already gone, already gone, yeah

Remember all the things we wanted
Now all our memories they're haunted
We were always meant to say goodbye

I want you to know that it doesn't matter
Where we take this road someone's gotta go
And I want you to know you couldn't have loved me better
But I want you to move on so I'm already gone

I'm already gone, already gone
You can't make it feel right when you know that it's wrong
I'm already gone, already gone
There's no moving on so I'm already gone

Thursday, August 6, 2009

SETEM....best ghilerrrrrrrrr

aku x plan pon nk g nonton SETEM...hahah tba2...aku dpt msg dri nurliey...tnya aku nk x join tgok setem jam 9...tgv sunway pyramid...aku pon ckp ok x d hal...excited nk tgok hasil keje khabir bhatia nie...aku mmg x penah missed dgn hasil karya khabir bhatia..smua gherek2....

so aku pon siap2 ...jam 8 aku grak dri umah aku kt ss 12 subng jaya dgn scoot aku ke sunway pyramid...park scoot..trus naik lift ke level g....

aku trus ar jalan slow2...smpai kt area tgv aku call nurliey...msa tu dia ngn liza tgh crik parking kt tngkt pling atas...hahah msti car park full ar tu....

aku trus je g tgv and beli ice lemon tea dgn medium popcorn...cam biasa ar org ramai...huhuh...trlupa lak nk bwk mask...ne tau tba2 ader yg trbersin...huhuhuhu...trus tringat kt im...imej dia skrg bertopeng....hahahahaaha

so...nurliey n liza dh de kt tepi pntu tgv...masa aku bli air n pop corn tdi...borak2 jap smntra tnggu pnggug bukak...

dlm pnggung x ramai sgt org yg mnonton...aku x tau knapa...tpi mybe bcoze kureng sgt promotion kt mana2 pasal SETEM nie....hurmmm
intro dia mmg gherek...grafik ala2 sin city tuu....jalan crita...lakonan.sinematogrfi..arahan...smua bagus....

stiap watak mmg main peranan bgik mnghidupkn prjalana crita...hatta watak2 cameo skali pon...
watak paling aku suker dlm SETEM...hurm byk ...dri watak sathiya yg kecoh dgn loghat dia....smpai la watak posmen lakonan abg aziz m osman..smua best
antara dialog yg aku x tahan ialah dri watak harun salim bachik...
stu panggung gelak
sathiya pon sama gak...huhuhu...que haidar ..watak dia mnarik...ada elemnt kasih syg antara wtk kakak dan adik...lakonan vanidah dn que tdi.....isma yusoof pon cemrlang...watak mat indon...yg tersepit dlm aksi kejar mngejar...huhuhuhu

nilai2 pesahabatan...jelas pada wtk lakonan afdlin dan rashidi...
filem nie mmg adventure,lawak,suspen,smua ada lah..
kiranya hasil garapan....khabir kali nie mmg gempaq...5 bintang aku kasik....so pegilah mnonton...sbb mmg x akan rugi....n aku dpt rsa....kmngkinan utk isma yusoof grab best new comer ...sgt2 cerah...huhuhuhuhu....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

my sweet memory

aku cuma nk share pic with my fave director...
masa nie aku g lepak2 kt taj curry restoran...ngn kwn2 aku...ermm mcm2 bngsa ader...
then YAMIN AHMAD masuk dgn hubby n sorg kwn dia...dia trus snyum...tgok aku ranck berborak ngn kwn2 multy racial aku kt stu sdut dlm restoran...then dia ckp "HAI"...huhuhu
sblom aku n kwn2 yg lain balik...aku smpt la dtg kt meje dia n ckp ..."kak yasmin...can we take a pic tgther?"
with her sweetest smile dgn sikap humblenyer dia kata "of coz"
dia sruh aku tagged and add dia dlm fb...x sngka...genap setahun...this memorial pic was taken...bru aku tagged dlm fb...and..dia dh tiada...
...i am sure...smua dh tau pasal isu yg heboh dlm akhbar kosmo...4 me no matter what people with bad hearted said about YASMIN...she'll always be in our heart...rest in peace KAK YASMIN...al fatihah...

Monday, July 27, 2009

we'll be missing you...

hurmmm...saat aku mnulis catatan ini...myb jiwa aku sdkit tenang...tpi still gak rase sebak di dada...of coure all of us already know...yng our beloved...yasmin ahmad had passed away...aku mnrima brita pemergianya when i was alone in my room doin some artwork..and chat with few fwen...suddenly...on NIGHTLINE tv3...kluar a news about her death...aku mcm x prcya...myb slah dgr ke apa...trus g browse her fb page...x ader pon any condolences wishes...so aku pkir myb aku yg silap dgr...then x puas ati..aku smsing membe2...smua x sure about that news...until...sorg membe aku nie...bg tau dat yasmin mmg dh x ada...o my....aku x malu to admit that...my tears drop...

we just lost a very talented person that reunite all malaysian to be one nation...dlm smua hasil karya2 beliau...cepat sgt....

on her funeral day...i can see there's a lot of people come ...all races...smua ada...wHAt can i say...i so am proud of her...thanks kak yasmin...surely we...all malaysian...anak2 malaysia ...will be missing u...rest in peace AL FATIHAH...

Friday, July 24, 2009

congrats ZIANA get well soon KAK YASMIN

hai smua...ari nie...aku just nk share brita yg probaly evry each of us already known...first is about...my fave super singer...ZIANA ZAIN..she's just deliver her twins baby...last day...congrats dpt baby 1 syaaban...actly she's sappose to be deliver her twins in 3 more week ...tpi sbb tkanan darah x stabil ..so kne deliver awal...x p la as long smuanyer slamat...congrats kak ziana and abg armin...surely raya taun nie makin happening la....

the second story is ...about our multy talented film director ...YASMIN AHMAD...hurmmm i just can't believe dat...in one day...i've got two news...a good and a bad...kak yasmin..tba2 colapse..masa presentation kt TV3 smlm....aku dpt brita dri membe2 aku...at first i feel like it's just a rumous....tpi bile bukak GUA.COM...lepas bca about ziana...kt bwh dia tulis...yasmin ahmad koma...DEMN...i am so in shock...

there's a press confrences tell that she's been imidiate surgen...and she's still in coma..i hope and pray that she's goin to recover soon...kt buletin utama ader tnjuk gak footage rkaman cctv...that insiden...hurmmm i wish dat yasmin's FAMILY will be strong...

Monday, July 20, 2009

my life is so miserable

huh...aku rase bosan tahap giler...ngn life ...ntah la...makin lama aku rase makin bosan.smua yg aku rancang x mnjadik...rase mcm nk jer aku g daki gunung tinggi n jerit dri atas sana kuat2...trtekan dgn dri n keadaan...slalu gak aku dgr ayat ...life must go on...evry problm have a solution and bla..bla..bla...hurmm btol la...aku x nafikan smua tu
tpi nth ar...makin lama makin aku rase...huh...x tau la nk describe ayat yg sesuai...mcm banggang pon ader gak...ntah la..aku harp cepat la abis tahun 2009 yg sgt2 suck nie...aku benci 2009...bnci sgt2...

Friday, July 10, 2009

tv3 inspirasi hidupku

Tanggal 5 julai lepas...aku n membe aku farme decide utk trun audition stu rncangan yg ckup faymes...rncngn brbntuk game show...hehehehe...kt org x prepare sgt...just pegi jer gamble dgn slumber badaknyer....hahahahahah...
smpai kt pntu masuk tv3...di sri pentas...pengawal kslamatan sruh kami brdua catat nama,no hp,kp huhuhuhu...yer la sbg langkh kselamatan la tu huhuhuhuhu.aku mmg brdebar2 gak...actly sblom2 nie pon aku dh biasa g audition..cuma kali nie lain skit..sbb berpasangan kan...actly since i was in college lagik...aku n farme nie slalu berckp2...kalulah dpt masuk program game show nie sure gempak....
hahaha mmg rmai gak membe2 ktorg yg ckp...that both of us should participate in this game show on that time...
ye ar dlu mmg x d masa...sbuk ngN study...n masa tu kt melaka..so jauh la kan...
well...masuk2 nmpk la konti hot fm...huhuhuhu...penah gk berangn nk jadik dj..sbb aku mmg suker brckp n layan music....pernah gak audition utk jdik dj...masa tu taun 2007 ...lama dah..ala suker2 jer....hahahha
ok berbalik dgn crita aku n farme...masa dok mngisi borang...tba2 trserempak ngn membe ktorg gak...hehe...kak hazrin...lawak2...sbb sblom masuk tv3 tdi AKU...ader gak borak ngn farme pasal kak hazrin nie...sbb hubby dia keje kt tv3 gak...huhuhu...so meriah kjap ar suasana dgn gelak dia jer hahahahaha...
memandangkan ader 2 group lgik x smpai...aku ngn farme kne ar melepak g makan tghari dlu...n ke surau...hehehe farme siap pesan nie...jal...nanti doa2 ar kite dpt heheheheh...aku tau dia melawak jer..sbb ktorg x hrp sgt
lbih kurang jam 3 lbih cam tu...bru ckup 3 group...soleh ar start audition...
ktorg kne lalui 3 segmen...segmen 1 n 2 mmg slamber je...aku berebut dgn team2 lain nk mnjwp soalan...byk la soalan yg aku jwp dgn tepat...huhuhuuu...biler masuk last segmen...keta gak lutut aku...ye arkne brlakon....watak mumia lak tu...hahahahah
tp ktorg dbri masa 30 minit tuk pkir story line...hahahaha farme beriya kusutkan rmbut dia...nk amik feel jdik mumia la tu....hahahaha
2 team lg pon x kurang hbt..cuma team ke 2...diorg x ckup slumber...nmpk x natural...huahuahuahauhauhaua....apa2 pon lakonan aku yg sungguh amtur tu dpt pujian gak dri penerbit hahahahaha...cuma sore x mcm mumia...so...hasil kptsan nyer...aku ngn farme...officialy trpilih utk join game show tu...
so this coming 26 of july...ktorg akan g recording shoot utk pop kuiz...kt ntv7 shah alam....hahahahah slamber jerkkk...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Salam...well i am sure a lot of us in the globe rite now were in shock...about the death news of the king of pop..MJ...dberitakan yg kematian MJ brpunca dri implikasi jantung...hurmm
kt dalam berita aku tgok...di paris,china,berlin,london and byk lgik...beribu2 and might be million of his fan get gathering and pay tribute for their greatest idol...hurmm
aku kene admit that...MJ nie mmg famous ghiler...tnya la sapa2 pon kt ceruk bumi nie...surely smua kenal MJ atau nama islamnyer...MUHAMAD MIKAEL...
MJ nie mmg brjaya mnyatukan kaum kulit gelap n putih kt amerika khususnya with his multitalented talent and his music of course...

Aku sndri pon...layan lagu2 MJ nie...such as beat it,black or white,i'll be there,billie jean,we are the world,thriller and much more...
he's also one of the most no 1 hit single in the world after mariah carey,the beatles and elvis...MJ ni ader 13 hits no 1...dia gak la yg memecahkan monopoli artis kulit putih dlm MTV...if not mybe till now...we'll never hear a good music from all the black singer...huhuhuhuhu....

His music legacy will never been vanish from every each mankind in this world...

well...spnjang MJ nie MAKE A LOT OF HISTORY IN MUSIC...byk gak crita2 negatif pasal dia n life dia...biasalah...
apa2 pon..aku cuma harap yg pengebumian dia nanti...dgn cara yg sepatutnya...jgn ada sbrg isu lak...

BYE2 MJ...may ALLAH bless ur soul ...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

new chapter of my life....

Genap 18 jun lalu...naik stu tingkat usia aku..huhuhuhu....cepat giler masa brjalan...rase mcm bru semalam jer...aku amik spm huhuhuhuhu thanks utk membe2 yg wish aku...mcm biasa aku mmg x celebrate bdhy aku...kali terakhir aku smbut besar2an...masa umur aku 4 ke 5 taun hahaha aku lebih suke dok bersendirian tiap kali tarikh keramat tu smpai..tpi this time i feel somthng diffrent tpi aku x tau apa yg lainyer hurmmm...well no matter wut...i have to face it.2009....it's allready in d middle of year...esok 24 june...bersamaan ngn 1 rejab...elok btol start puasa...then masuk syaabaan trus ramadhan....pejam celik ...pejam celik...dekat 5 taun gak aku duk kt KL....

biler dh start bekerja nie...mmg lain dgn zaman2 skool n college dulu...dgn keadaan ekonomi yg agak suck skrg nie...aku trut trasa ar tempias dia skit2...hurmm...first time aku face economical problem...is on 1997/98...tp masa tu aku form 2/3...x amik port sgt...ye ar...bnde2 tu smua adult issues...thre's no need 4 me on that time to burden my mind...hahahaha...tp skrg...nak x nak kne gak amik port...hurmm skrg nie aku dh mula pikir...myb to change a few thing dlm life aku...byk segi and angle...harap2 jalan aku x byk ar liku2 hehehehe...tpi biasa ar kan..life full of suprise...aku harap...yg life aku dgn usia baru akan lebih baik...hurmmm

mggu lepas gak...brlangsung hari bapa...aku panggil abah...hampir 8 tahun...arwah abah pergi...byk sgt memori ingatan aku dgn abah...byk sgt...aku dh x smbt hari bapa...aku cuma boley doa utk abah...pengorbanan abah mmg x ternilai...dulu...aku pernah ckp kat mak aku...yg aku lebih sygkan abah...hahaha mybe sbb masa tu...mak garang giler...abah plak cool je...susah aku nk tgok abah marah2...so 4 those who still ada insan bergelar bapa...do appreaciate them...kite cuma akan ada stu bapa n stu ibu kat dunia nie...to be continued...