Monday, July 27, 2009

we'll be missing you...

hurmmm...saat aku mnulis catatan ini...myb jiwa aku sdkit tenang...tpi still gak rase sebak di dada...of coure all of us already know...yng our beloved...yasmin ahmad had passed away...aku mnrima brita pemergianya when i was alone in my room doin some artwork..and chat with few fwen...suddenly...on NIGHTLINE tv3...kluar a news about her death...aku mcm x prcya...myb slah dgr ke apa...trus g browse her fb page...x ader pon any condolences aku pkir myb aku yg silap dgr...then x puas ati..aku smsing membe2...smua x sure about that news...until...sorg membe aku tau dat yasmin mmg dh x ada...o my....aku x malu to admit tears drop...

we just lost a very talented person that reunite all malaysian to be one nation...dlm smua hasil karya2 beliau...cepat sgt....

on her funeral day...i can see there's a lot of people come ...all races...smua ada...wHAt can i say...i so am proud of her...thanks kak yasmin...surely we...all malaysian...anak2 malaysia ...will be missing in peace AL FATIHAH...

1 comment:

  1. donno how to say...we big lost some1 like her...
