Wednesday, October 6, 2010

october artwork

well it's been a long time...i am not posting any entry about my ilustration artwork...
actualy there's a few artwork that i've been doin rite now...
just i have to select which one should i drag to my cute blog...and aku x d masa nk upload , myb byk lagik posting lain yg lebey penting utk aku dhulukan...
hahahaha aku still lagik buat artwork dan ada gak tempahan charicature n potrait yg aku dpt...
nnti2 ar aku post yerk...
just 4 today...aku post artwerk pasal my fave supersinger...
who else...x lain lagik ziana zain...
komen la yerk...atrwerk yg x seberapa nie....


  1. bg sy yg xtahu pasal art nie,
    nampak cantik jew :)

  2. hai salam perkenalan, potrait yg mmg cool... feel free to visit & follow my blog.. cheersss!!

  3. cik noor...thnks...
    my little diary....thnks gak..sure i will babe...
